Mustapicked A Good Vacation!

The adventures of Amey and Musty's trip to the Balkans and Italy in September '06...

Friday, August 25, 2006

Last night we went out to dinner at Little Shanghai, and Musty got a great fortune in his fortune cookie! In case you can't read it, it says:
"A four-wheeled adventure will soon bring you happiness"
Let's hope so!

Monday, August 21, 2006

Welcome to our Travel Blog!

On September 5th, we're taking off for 4 weeks in the Balkans! I am cramming on my Croatian language skills... hoping to understand and express a few basic sentiments. I'm also hoping that many people will speak some English and/or Italian (which I speak pretty well)...

Once we're off, we'll make updates to our blog as often as possible... so bookmark this page and check back for some fun updates!